Kohinoor Keraplast Cermamic Clay White / Terracotta:
If you choose to model with Kera Plast ceramic paste, save yourself some work hardening it, as things made using this modelling clay harden easily at room temperature. The finished products can then be painted (with acrylic, distemper or KOH-I-NOOR hobby paints) and varnished.
Kohinoor Sculpters Clay:
Soft modelling clay, greasy, vacuum-packed, sandstone (ochre) in colour, suitable for sculptors for creating models with lavishly fine details (reliefs); 500g vacuum-packed in aluminium foil, may be purchased in any quantity by arrangement.
Kohinoor Light-weight Clay:
Knead the clay before modelling; smooth the finished work with your damp fingers and leave to dry at room temperature. The clay is very light when dry, making it ideal for hanging ornaments, beads, etc. Once dry, the surface can be painted or otherwise decorated. Wrap any unused clay in a plastic bag, not cling film. The clay is suitable for children, and comes vacuum-packed in aluminium foil in packs
The Sakura Air Dry Paper Clay helps repair cracks in dry, conventional clay, as well as dry paper clay. It dries more quickly than regular clay because the moisture tends to evaporate much faster.
100% natural as it is made from grain flour and oil, Soft and easy to mould for little kids.smooth and non-sticky. Leaves no stains on hands. 4 animal shape moulds.
The Mont Marte Gloss Clay Varnish is a waterproof varnish that dries hard, making it great for a range of projects, from smaller jewellery pieces to sculptures or sealing your DIY plant pot.