Fantasy Prisme are the new honeycomb effect colours that have been developed by PEBEO. A range of original colours that give your creations a precious and quality aspect with a professional finish. Can be used on a multitude of surfaces like wood, canvas, plastic, glass, terracotta, acetate and more.
Can be applied using a dropper, a brush (ex: Pébéo Aqua round or Pure Sable by depositing the colour without pulling on it), or by pouring directly from the bottle on a flat and horizontal surface in a thick coat on a carefully degreased surface.
Can be used with the VITRAIL cerne relief with nozzle.
The use of the VITRAIL Sparkling Medium adds glittering effects.
The Fantasy Prisme colours used on fresh Vitrail colours give surprising effects.
The effect obtained when drying depends on the thickness of the application.
To add a rounded effect to your creations, use the Glazing resin over very dry Fantasy Prisme colours (48 hours minimum).
The objects decorated with the Fantasy Prisme colours must be considered uniquely as decorative objects and only surfaces that are not intended to be in contact with food can be decorated.
Application and Helpful Hints: Stir the colours thoroughly with a stick before use.
Click the video link to see how to use these wonderful colours.
The Pebeo Fantasy Moon Discovery Collection Set is an alkyd oil-based reactive paint that revealed itself as a unique art medium when used alone or in combination with other mediums for Mixed Media applications. Set of 12 - Apricot, Carmine, Metal Blue, Turquoise, Veil of Smoke, Gold, Emerald, Pearl, Antique Pink, Ebony, Silver and Chocolate.
The Pebeo Fantasy Prisme Discovery Collection Set renders stunning honeycomb and textured effects. Set of 12 - Antique Gold, Buttercup, Cinnamon, Eggshell White, Emerald, English Red, Marina, Moonstone, Onyx, Pearl Violine, Turquoise and Vermilion.
The Pebeo Mixed Media Discovery Set has speciality paints that can all be intermixed to create astonishing effects of texture and colour. Set of 12 - 3x Fantasy Moon (20ml), 3x Fantasy Prism (20ml), 4x Vitrail (20ml), 2x Ceramic (20ml) and 1 Explanatory Guide.
The Pebeo Mixed Media Discovery Set has speciality paints that can all be intermixed to create astonishing effects of texture and colour. Set of 6 - 1x Fantasy Moon (20ml), 2x Fantasy Prism (20ml), 2x Vitrail (20ml), 1x Ceramic (20ml) and 1 Explanatory Guide.
The Pebeo Fantasy Prisme Discovery Collection contains a set of 6 different colours with each 20ml. The fantasy prisme colours can be used for decorative objects and craft items. Set of 6 - Eggshell White, Onyx, English Red, Pearl Violine, Emerald and Antique Gold.
The Pebeo P.Bo Deco Discovery Collection Set has 6 colours which can be used for decorative purposes. These colours are water-based, opaque, pearl, fluid and intermixable with professional quality. Set of 6 - Pearl Gold, Pearl Silver, Chocolate Pearl, Red Pearl, Green Pearl and Night Blue Pearl.
The Pebeo Porcelaine 150 Discovery Collection Set has intermixable colours with a superb enamelled appearance after baking. Set of 12 - Gold, Ivory, Anthracite Black, Bronze Green, Sapphire Blue, Turquoise, Parma Violet, Fuchsia, Opaline Pink, Scarlet Red, Agate Orange and Marseilles Yellow.
The Pebeo Vitrail Discovery Collection Set has vitrail colours that are combined with acrylic mediums, Gedeo resins and Fantasy prisme & moon paints to create different techniques. Set of 6 - Crimson, Lemon, Orange, Chartreuse Green, Sky Blue and Gold.
The Pebeo Vitrea 160 Discovery Collection Set is transparent and glossy which can be used on glass and crystal. It is intermixable and blendable with each other to achieve limitless tones. Set of 6 - Veil White, Ink Black, Pepper Red, Sun Yellow, Oriental Green and Turquoise.
The Pebeo Ceramic Initiation Set has opaque, very bright, alkyd, intermixable, oil-based colours with a lacquer finish and very good lightfastness designed specifically for use on ceramics. Set of 6 - White, Yellow, Cherry Red, Lavender, Black and Precious Gold.