2-IN-1 FELT PEN: Maped stamp pens have two tips, for two different uses. A chisel felt tip for coloring details such as large surfaces, and a stamp tip for decorating. Everything you need for pretty creations!
The Imagi Make Stamp Art Animal Kingdom Set is perfect for kids and comes with a combination of stamps and pens that are easy to blend - now, creating beautiful blends and patterns is child's play.
The Imagi Make Stamp Art Ocean Kit is a great fun activity kit that comes with adorable 6 stamps, 3 stamp pens and 4 creative projects - making it a great art set for kids.
The Imagi Make Stamp Art Jungle Kit is a great fun activity kit that adorable 6 stamps, 3 stamp pens and 4 creative projects - making it a great art set for kids.
The Imagi Make Stamp Art Garden Kit is a great fun activity kit that comes with 9 stamps, 4 stamp pens and 8 creative projects - making it a great art set for kids.